Seine River in preparation for the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics
By Li Hao/GT, Published: 2024/7/26 1:49:25
Photo: Li Hao/GT
Editor's Note:
On July 25, local time, the Seine River banks in Paris are adorned with Olympic elements in preparation for the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics. For the first time in history, the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games will not take place in a stadium. (Photos: Li Hao/GT)

Photo: Li Hao/GT
Photo: Li Hao/GT
Photo: Li Hao/GT
Photo: Li Hao/GT
Photo: Li Hao/GT
Photo: Li Hao/GT
Photo: Li Hao/GT
Photo: Li Hao/GT
Photo: Li Hao/GT
Photo: Li Hao/GT
Photo: Li Hao/GT
Photo: Li Hao/GT